Throughout our lives, many factors contribute to the ageing of the skin on our hands. The sun, water, soap, detergent and many other things are capable of causing blemishes and unsightly signs on our hands. Wrinkles, as well as weight loss, which exposes the tendons in the hands more clearly, mean that more and more people are looking for solutions to rejuvenate the skin in this area. The fact that the skin in the hand area is thinner favours the appearance of characteristics associated with the passage of time, which can be delayed or eliminated if certain aesthetic procedures are carried out. To disguise blemishes on the hands, you can use lasers or traditional peels, based on the application of acids to lighten the skin. Unlike lasers, peels can cause more discomfort afterwards due to the peeling required to renew the skin. In the case of chemical peels, layers of acid in different concentrations are applied with the aim of superficially peeling the skin. This is an easy and safe treatment whose intensity of exfoliation can vary, as can the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results. Another alternative is lasers, which can treat blemishes and disguise the veins and protruding vessels that sometimes appear on the hands. There are different types of laser, which can be combined according to the individual’s needs. Microdermabrasion is a procedure often used on the skin of the face, but it can also be used to mechanically exfoliate the skin of other areas of the body, such as the hands. The purpose of this treatment is to remove the dead skin that accumulates on the outermost layer of the skin and thus renew this area, regenerating the skin, stimulating collagen production and smoothing out the appearance of blemishes that appear on the hands. A variable number of sessions may be required to achieve the desired effects. The procedure lasts an average of 30 minutes and requires no major care either before or afterwards. However, you should always ask your doctor if there are any precautions you should take. Sometimes the skin on the hands can look dull and lifeless. In these cases, we say that the skin is dehydrated and, to remedy this situation, we should apply vitamins, antioxidants and growth factors that are extracted from the individual’s own plasma. To prevent the skin on your hands from ageing, you can adopt certain behaviours, such as applying sunscreen, moisturisers and night-time acids to your hands. At the same time, you can use laser treatments to prevent the loss of collagen. To solve the problem of thinning hands, more invasive treatments can be used to fill in the gaps, using hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, a substance that can be absorbed by the body and is similar in composition to our teeth and bones. The approach chosen varies depending on the patient’s characteristics. Among the dermal fillers available are: skinboosters, biostimulators or hyaluronic acid. The results are immediate, which is why this is a popular option for instantly rejuvenating the hands. Through this procedure, it is possible to restore volume to the hand and stimulate collagen production, making the skin in this area firmer. In the specific case of the hands, calcium hydroxyapatite works particularly well, giving a volumising and rejuvenating effect to the skin of the hand, without giving it a blue tone, as is the case with certain products. The characteristics of this procedure will vary greatly depending on the patient’s needs, and may differ in the number of sessions; their duration; the number of syringes used; and the preparation and recovery processes. Hyaluronic acid is capable of filling out the skin, improving its density and increasing its resistance. As a result, hands look younger. The results are visible from the first session and last an average of 12 months. It’s also worth explaining that since hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in our bodies, there is no risk of allergic reactions or rejection. Therefore, opting for a hyaluronic acid treatment turns out to be a safer choice. We reply within 24 working hours. Hand rejuvenation
What treatments are available for spots on the hands?
What can microdermoabrasão do to rejuvenate your hands?
How to treat dehydrated skin?
How can you prevent the skin on your hands from ageing?
How to disguise the effects of slimming hands?
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