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Teeth whitening is a very popular treatment. In general, any adult (with the possible exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women) can undergo this type of procedure.

However, before whitening, other issues such as dental problems, caries lesions, wear and tear, tooth sensitivity, etc. must be resolved.

Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed Teeth Whitening

Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed is the most requested professional whitening brand in the world. It whitens teeth by up to eight shades and has superior efficacy and results compared to other professional whitening alternatives.

A highly concentrated whitening gel is used in the procedure, which allows it to achieve the fastest whitening results by up to 40%.

After this outpatient medical procedure, the patient also receives a whitening kit with personalized trays and syringes for maintenance at home, thus enhancing the final result.

Does tooth whitening have side effects? Which ones?

As a rule, the side effects associated with tooth whitening are related to aspects such as the concentration of the products, how they are applied and the characteristics of each patient. These effects can include tooth sensitivity and gum discomfort, both of which are usually temporary.

If the chemicals are applied incorrectly, more serious and persistent lesions can result. It is also important to note that patients who have dental restorations and prostheses may need to replace or repair them after the teeth whitening treatment, in order to restore the color and integrity of the dental restorations.

What precautions should you take before having your teeth whitened?

To ensure safety, teeth whitening should be carried out by oral health professionals to avoid risks.

In addition, before tooth whitening is carried out, it is important to carry out a prior clinical examination in order to take all the preventive measures that will avoid oral complications and guarantee a more effective result.

See our Clinical Cases

What tooth whitening techniques exist and how are they characterized?

There are two main tooth whitening techniques and, in certain cases, combined whitening can be carried out, where both techniques are used (outpatient and in-office).

Frequently Asked Questions

During tooth whitening, some foods should be avoided, such as:

  • coffee;
  • tea;
  • red wine;
  • strawberries;
  • beet;
  • blackberry;
  • carrot.

Yes. This procedure is called internal whitening and is a solution when there is a single darkened tooth due to decay, devitalization or trauma.

In these cases, the dentist can infiltrate the whitening product into the tooth itself, activating the effect of the product through heat or light. This is a procedure that has to be carried out over several sessions until the desired results are achieved. Whitening lasts an average of one year.

The role of lights in teeth whitening is to accelerate the whitening effect caused by the chemicals applied to the teeth.

If you’re thinking of having your teeth whitened, there are a few questions you should ask your dentist:

  • What tooth whitening treatments are available and what distinguishes them?
  • What kind of results can you expect from whitening?
  • How can you harmonize stained veneers, crowns or dentures with your other whitened teeth?
  • What are the risks associated with teeth whitening?
  • Can teeth whitening hurt?
  • What qualifications does the whitener have?
  • How long does bleaching last?
  • What post-treatment follow-up is recommended?

Teeth Whitening Team

— Conheça a Equipa

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